Allyn Kahn is such an incredible teacher! He taught at our THINK Day homeschool co-op for many years. He was loved by both parents and kids. Through chess, Allyn taught our kids strategic thinking skills by using his unique chess training methods.
The kids involved thought chess was cool, and were led to play a pretty amazing game of chess. We even had a THINK Chess Team that competed very successfully in area tournaments! Allyn has inspired so many children to play chess. My son enjoyed quite a few successes under Coach Allyn. Logan won first place in the St. Petersburg scholastic tournament in the K-8 section when he was in 5th grade, and then won first place in the Tampa scholastic tournament in the K-12 section when he was in 6th grade. Thanks to Allyn’s lessons, our children have become high level thinkers, who are always a few steps ahead of the game; and not just in chess, but in other areas in life that require higher level thinking.
Michele Chow-Mom to three high thinking, incredible children, Former Homeschool Co-op Leader, and Keller Williams Realtor